Angels - We are not alone
by Michelle Pavri
Angels are everywhere, helping us to make our task on the mortal coil easier, discovered the author in the course of attending a workshop on angel therapy by Michelle Pavri
When a baby sees a rainbow in the sky, when a girl sees a white feather float by, whether they know it or not, they have been touched by an angel...Having believed in the power of these spiritual beings for a few years now, it wasn’t surprising that I was offered a chance to connect further and more deeply with them through the Angel Certified Practitioner workshop held in Mumbai recently.
The workshop hall, in which some 100 people had gathered, emanated a warm loving energy. Undoubtedly, the subjects of the workshop were there in large numbers, guiding us to know more about them. These light-filled, winged beings appear to each of us in different forms. If you have ever come across sparks of coloured light twinkle in front of your eyes, or feathers and rainbows floating in the sky, you have just been blessed by an angel, helping you recognise the fact that none of us are alone, ever!
The facilitators, Charles Virtue and Tina Daly, were from the US. I had initiated myself into angel therapy through reading Charles's mother, Doreen's, insightful books and oracle cards. Doreen Virtue was naturally clairvoyant as a child, connecting with angels from a very young age. Later on, she progressed as a spiritual doctor of psychology and is one of the world’s leading angel experts today. She holds workshops on healing spiritual and psychological issues through angel therapy, angel communication and spiritual healing. She has appeared on Oprah, and CNN. Her work has also been featured in national and regional publications in the USA. The facilitators had been invited to Mumbai by angel therapist, Arcchana Lakhotia, who has been on a spiritual journey with angels since her childhood.
What are angels?
So what are these angels? And how do they work amidst the chaotic lives we humans go through every day?
The word angel is derived from the ancient Greek word, angelos meaning messengers. Angels are beings of pure consciousness, creating a link between God and us human beings. They are easily approachable, fun and loving.
As Charles explained, “When we humans chose this life we chose to be happy. We have complete free will. When we call out and connect with our angels, they guide us to live our soul life, by helping us to make the choices that balance our karmic cycle and evolve as spiritual beings. Angels make the path easier with their love, joy, humour and protection.”
Being human, after all, means encountering disappointments and adversities but when we fear less and surrender to the love of angels by calling out to them, our path becomes easier. Each angel strives to help you in every area of your life, whether it is health, career, love or your purpose in life.
So why not just connect to God, asked a participant.
The simple and profound answer given was that our thoughts, worries, fears, conflicts, and the gross state of the world makes God’s messages unclear, since the energy of God vibrates at a very high level. Angels therefore act as intermediaries, working purely for the love of God, to help us with our worries and still access the messages of God.
During the workshop we were acquainted with the current realities of living in a planet that is awakening. More and more of us are tuned in to healing, prayers, spirituality, love for each other and for deities like Buddha, Krishna, Ram, Jesus, and Zarathustra. It’s a time for clearing, working on centring our self, thoughts and deeds. We are in the process of overcoming our EGO, which actually means Edging God Out and the angels are here to help us do so.
Know your angels
Tina introduced us to powerful beings we could connect to in our daily lives for guidance and help. Archangels rank highest in the hierarchy of angels.
Archangel Michael is the angel of protection who shields our physical, mental and emotional body with his pure white or enigmatic purple light. His name means “who is like the lord”. He is the patron saint of police officers and soldiers and lends courage to those who invoke him.
Archangel Raphael heals our physical, mental and emotional ailments with his green emerald light. His name means “he who heals”, the angel of healing. Raphael is considered a patron saint of travellers and assists healers and those being healed.
Archangel Uriel illuminates our minds with new ideas, thoughts and feelings. His name means “God is light”, and he is the angel of wisdom.
Archangel Gabriel is the angel who helps writers, teachers, journalists and assists in child conception. His name means “messenger of God”. Archangel Gabriel is mentioned in Christianity as well as Islam.
There are close to 15 archangels we can connect to. They are omnipresent, helping several simultaneously. All we need do is ask.
Every person has one or more guardian angels right from the time he is born till the time of cross over into the afterlife. He watches over us and guides us through the ways of life.
The nature fairies that surround us outdoors and indoors, connecting us to Mother Earth, make up the elemental kingdom.
Angel oracle cards decipher messages from angels Healing processes
We were further guided to some peaceful high-energy meditations to centre and ground ourselves. The meditations supported us to trust in the symbols, signs, colours and feelings of tuning into our higher energy of past lives as well as angelic realms to answer daily doubts and confusions. This included working with angel oracle cards, which enable us to decipher the messages from angels more easily.
One of the processes we were introduced to was Cording, which enables us to clear ourselves of “cords” that connect us and our energetic fields to unwanted energies that don’t serve our higher purpose. Cords, which are energetic extentions appearing from different parts of our auric body, are unseen to the human eye. They link us to our past and present relationships with people and things, and can often inhibit our freedom and happiness. Calling out to Archangel Michael and Archangel Raphael to cut away our cords and heal us from these is a wonderful addition to our daily practice of healing our bodies.
All good things eventually come to an end and we ended our workshop with an intensive question-answer session, followed by a photo session. The participants had bonded closely as a family and we were confident that the angels would keep us in touch with each other. Charles and Tina had a loving, friendly way of guiding and helping us overcome our mental, emotional and spiritual blocks through a combination of humour, affection and serious guidance.
Angels have no religion and help anyone who calls out to them. They are always around us, eager to help and guide us in every walk of life. They appreciate and have great respect for us and the trials and tribulations we face in life and only want to make it easier. So the next time you see one of the signs or even happen to read about them, allow these synchronicities of life to be your guide to open up to the realm of angels.
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